Fundraiser Performance Management Ideas

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Multiple Address Types for Address Filter in Targeter

To plan trip lists for fundraisers, the ability to select multiple address types (e.g. home, seasonal, and business) in the address filter in Targeter when running zip code or Core Based Statistical Area searches would be useful. I want to be able to capture all of the individuals with the selected address types in whatever geographic area I'm working in with one query and be able to download the results.
Its current "one of" feature means that a separate query needs to be run for each address type, taking additional time and causing misunderstandings when multiple address types can still be selected and look like they've been added to the query.

  • Guest
  • Oct 16 2023
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  • Laurie Lehenbauer commented
    October 20, 2023 16:34

    Have you tried leaving the address type blank when using those filters? That's my normal practice and it seems to work. The only confusion I encounter is when FPM maps an address different from the one that fit the criteria. For example, a seasonal Florida address may cause somebody to qualify, but FPM maps their primary address in Wisconsin.